Friday, January 15, 2016

tire prep.....

I was driving the feed truck yesterday and it was kind of muddy in one place there in the pasture..I had to drive up the hill and I had to put the truck in 4 wheel drive...It kind of slid downhill!....I got to thinking about new tires and tire tread on tires....the tires are still good, but I think about tire tread in many vehicles I see on the road...they look bad.

the tires all need to have deep set grooves and not be without grooves because that is hazardous not just in the pastures but out on freeways, highways, dirt country roads/gravel without grooves have no pull at all, and in weather conditions it is very hazardous.....

We have to keep a check on all vehicle tires, save money (as always) and when the grooves are gone in the tires we should look to pit stops that change oil and repair tires to purchase them there or order them if necessary....Also there are wheel/tire companies that manufacture and sell tires...

I like the tire brands Hankook and Goodyear....

Locally to the area is a Goodyear tire factory and there are many people from my hometown who have worked there or still do...they're always fighting, selling drugs, or cheating on their spouses!....LOL...lots of bad things go on with those people from my hometown who have worked there or still do, they have good paying jobs, so I don't know why they want to always create so much evil there...I have heard so many stories from local people and hillbilly kinfolks about the things that go on there....Haha! your tires with some bad things and gossip?!! I know you could probably get that from the people in my local hometown who work there at that factory and constantly fight/gossip....It's sad because everytime I have to replace tires or go look at tires to purchase I just giggle and think about all the hanky panky that goes on there when I see that brand of tires!....*eyeroll*.that's how it is in a smalltown.....and locally...

I like Goodyear tires they are a good brand and company, but they need to clean up the workforce in the factory near here.

all these local people usually have no problems finding work there, it's weird....they fight/do bad things all the time!

But anyway, I'm just thinking about tires and tire repairs, so many flats have had to be fixed because of these old artifacts that the road grader digs up on these old country dirt roads....I like the quick pit stops for all things tire and oil.....just wish that there were more....oh well...

randomness---I hope that the electricity doesn't go out this weekend from freezing precipitation!..i don't want to wait another 17hrs for power, while I freeze! (like last time)...I have always hated that because of bathroom issues!..icky!....I always catch water in plastic containers a few hours before the winter weather and I store it in the house incase the electricity goes off, I can still flush the just pour water into the back of the toilet top and place the lid back on...then flush!....LOL!....I wish that it was easier to hook the generator up for power...*sadface*...

I like snow, but not down power lines and icicles.

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