Tuesday, August 2, 2016

facing your worries......

I have been having many worries about family members lately having health issues, and then other things I worry/stress over!!!...I know I shouldn't worry, but when you have had constant stress your entire life, it is often difficult to stop it! 

Worry is usually for no reason they say, but when you know that you have to go through with something that is stressful, and may not be ok, you just are consumed with thinking about it, being upset about it....and I do not know why....just natural to feel this way I suppose....

Tackling a worry or an event you may not want to go through with or face is troublesome and often scary!!! and I know that when faced with an upset or challenge that is serious, stressful, upsetting you MUST ALWAYS make up your mind that you have no other choice but to face it head on, battle through the best way you know how, and go on to get past your worrisome/stressful event!

Being a tough/strong person and thinking about good things happening afterward is the best way to be thinking when nervous, stressed, or worried about what you have to face...

Many people battle serious health complications all the time, and everything is ok...

Just making your mind up that you HAVE TO go through and face something challenging, that there is no other way out of a situation and you must go on and be tough about it, helps me!!!...Just be BRAVE and go on through it....I have always admired other people for their ability to just not care about something right up until the day they have to face their challenge, upset, worry....whatever happens, happens as they say.....

you have to have good outlooks that are always upbeat and not gloomy.....IF a person goes all over everywhere thinking all the time that they are going to have nothing but terrible times, that can cause you to become more upset!....I know because I have been one of these people who worries like that often.....that is something that I need to work on with myself....

When you have constant outside stressors your entire life, that can cause you to have excessive anxiety and naturally constantly panic and worry over all things.....and have gloomy outlooks on all things that challenge you, worry you....

often you have no one there to be beside you to hold your hand as you go on through a difficult challenge and this can be scary!....when alone, just Cowboy Up!, be tough and tell yourself you're going to be just fine!....Don't be a pansy/or weak minded about things! that's what I always tell myself...it helps me....There is no need for crying that only makes things much worse!

but I know a person just has to go on and face your challenges, worries, stresses and just know that there is no other way out of a situation but to be BRAVE and battle through to the other side! You have to, so go on and get it over and done with.

And know that many people have been through the same situation you are facing...and they are ok!


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