Saturday, June 7, 2014

old stuff.....

Today I went to town and I found that old movie I have been looking for on dvd...It's usually on the old movie channel AMC or TCM and I don't get those channels anymore so I miss my old movies....BUT today I did find a dvd and it has Treasure of the Sierra Madre and Maltese Falcon on it...

My Favorite old movie of those 2 is Treasure of the Sierra Madre.....really good one!...but my MOST favorite old movie of all time is Casablanca and I like how it's black and white and I like all the clothes of that era and the music that was played on it...but I have not found that dvd.....yet.

I like old stuff...I really do...I am fascinated by the 20's-early 60's era of time....because things were much slower then and I think that even though there were wars and people were not all that rich...I like to think they were happier...because time was slower then and maybe simpler...sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong time...

things nowdays are too fast paced and people are all about money and greed and I don't care about all that crapola...I don't see why having sooooo much money is sooooo important and blowing around about how much money you have is stupid..that's a good way to make people hate is the root of all evil and so is'll take you down.

I like money and all and it's good to have...but it's NOT the most important thing in life....being nice to people and caring about people is the most important thing...having a family that loves you and friends who love you is the biggest and most important thing you can ever be blessed with in life...not material things or money will ever make a person like me happy.....only having my family and friends that love me in my life will ever make me truly happy and enjoy my life with me..

if I ever get to be blessed with anything in life I would want to take care of my friends and family...nobody needs a billion million things and nobody to share your life that's why I need to always have people who love me and care about me in my life.....because with them there I am not scared and I know I will always be loved/cared about and most of all safe from worrying all the time...

I know people are not always nice to me and I know people are liars and 2 faced people that I can NEVER trust to love/care about me and I know who those people I am well aware of those bad people.....and I can watch out for that...because this girl can smell a rat from miles away....can't fool me!!!....haha!!!

thing will be a-ok but I know who loves me and who I want to always be in my life and who will not be when they try to hurt me and hurt my feelings....

making a pizza.

love ya j.

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