Friday, July 22, 2016

always be true to yourself.....

I enjoy flip-flops and I have a pair of those Floatie Sugar Shoes and I have had them for many years thrown in my summer foot wear storage box...I found them yesterday, they are magenta in color...These shoes are so good for my feet and my lower back..they are so very soft like walking on a marshmellow!....haha!....I have hip deformity sort of and these shoes make my hips feel of my favorite brands of summer shoe wear!...I wish I had them in all color hues!

A person always thinks about what they like and don't like....I have seen way too many people change their favorite things, ideas, views on all things in life, because they have tried to fit in with snobby others, or fit in with the "popular crowd" whoever that may be they think is more important than others...I think that is so stupid to change who you are to fit in with some snob idiot who you think is influential or more special than others....

Always be true to yourself!...NEVER change who you are to fit in with others who you think are better than you....AND when you think you need to change yourself to be someone you are not, just so others will think your are good enough to be friends with their snobby cliques so you can fit in with them and their ways, these people are NEVER good for you to be can easily ruin your life, lose yourself in nastiness, and lose those good people who are truly sacred to you....

People who love you, care for you, and always will be there for you at all times, love you for you! they don't care about your face, your weight, your hair, your looks, your bank account, they just love and care for you no matter what!....They have a slang term called "Putting on Heirs" and it means that people are trying to be someone they are not to look perfect to or fit in with snobby others...I have always laughed at that because I have seen way too many people change themselves to fit in with the snobby crowd and lose everything good and wholesome in their lives...sad but it happens everyday in the world..they ruin so many good friendships, family members who love/care for them, and lose themselves totally............they hurt you so bad the way they behave to you, that you just don't care anymore..they want that kind of life, the attention, power, materialistic items, they forget you, so just go on with your life and forget them always....this happens a lot in life.

Whenever a person changes their whole life to fit in with people who they think are more important, more successful, or more influential, they totally lose everything good in their life and regret trying to be someone they are not!...Crowds or cliques of snobs who you may think you can change to fit in with will NEVER let you be apart of their lives, they may seem like they will let you in the group, BUT it'll never happen..they only use you, and make fun of you.....those people don't like anyone but themselves and what they can gain for themselves, they only use others as stepping stools to gain attention, money, or success....I just laugh at all those crappy losers....*eyeroll*......I don't think anyone should ever change who they are to try and fit in with idiots like that..i don't care who it is I would never waste my time trying to fit in with sh*tty people like that!...geeze....boring and annoying...*yawn*

IF someone doesn't like me, or like how I am as a person, I don't care!...NEVER care what someone snobby, nasty, or idiotic thinks about you!...I will NEVER change myself to be someone I am never gonna be!.....I believe in being a good person, I am NEVER going to be promiscuous or nasty, I am NEVER going to want to fit in with snobby nasty people who think they are better than everyone else...I don't care to be friends with nasty disgusting people!.....

I don't care who thinks they are important in the world or thinks they are better than others, I will NEVER EVER want to talk to, or be friends with trash like that who place riches, materialistic items, and place themselves on pedestals I don't give a damn who they are,. I will NEVER talk to trash like that, or change myself to be friends with some nasty snobby disgusting b*tches....I don't like people like that!...I don't have time to talk to trashy nasty people like that!...

I am always true to myself, I am very down to earth, I don't place people and materialistic items on pedestals...I don't care for false! there are so many issues in the world that need attention more than worshiping some human being, worshipping drugs, sex, materialistic items, money, power, greed...those things are a waste of time!...

People are poor, suffering, have no hope, in pain, lost, the world has much sadness that needs attention and tended to...we're here for goodness, to help others, help people find God/Jesus, religion, and to make the world a better place, THAT is what matters in life!....People need to know this before it is too late for them...

All that crap that these people all worship is sickening, disgusting, and it is very sad how nasty humans are, they are the lowest form of life on earth is a human being, they ruin everything, destroy everything good and beautiful, bring abuse, drugs addiction, jealousy, harm, pain, hurt animals, hurt others, bring sadness, sickness, and it is really disgusting and pathetic how nasty humans are!!!.....

THEN they want to hurt/harm/kill, make fun of, ruin lives of, traffic, belittle, make up vicious lies about nice innocent girls like me....disgusting!....and I am sick of it!!!..It is so pathetic how these nasty people are, they all need to be gone from the earth!!!

I don't give a damn for those nasty pathetic snobby people, I don't care how much money they have, what they wear, the drugs they all worship, how nasty they are, how much surgery they have...they're sick as hell..i don't care about them!..sick of hearing about this nasty behavior my whole entire life from all of them! then they all set there and make fun of me all the damn time, yeah well guess I'm laughing now b*tches!!!.....Bwahaha!

Always be true to yourself, be tough, stand your matter what.


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