Friday, February 9, 2018

Clean up trash everywhere....icky !

Very tired.

Driving through towns, cities, country side / rural areas, I see very much trash, waste thrown everywhere ! Blowing in the wind, wrapped into tree limbs, fences, and often I see too much filth at homes !!! Terrible nasty !

Too much laziness with people everywhere.

Trash cans / dumpsters / bins are needed all areas for trash clean up, we need trash trucks + companies everywhere, landfills everywhere to destroy waste.....I mean, it's disgusting and a nasty ugly mess to see ! Gross !

How difficult is it to dispose of trashes / waste in the proper containers, or bag the trashes in trash bags, wear proper gloves, work clothes, eye goggles, trash can have too much nastiness, pollute our waters, I see it near bridges, creek beds, lakes, housing areas, towns, abandoned houses that are emptied, just disgusting the trash thrown out into yards !!!!

I adore beauty outdoors, I am immaculate in cleaning, disposing of trash, I do not tolerate filth, nasty trash lying around anywhere, damn ! Clean it up I say to those lazy asses !!! Hillbillies nearby have thrown trash in creeks, lived in old dump houses, never cared for clean up, or even tried to dispose of trash properly !!! 

Nasty filth near our water systems, rivers, creeks, lakes, oceans all eventually find one another, disease can pollute our ecosystems from the disease in human waste, trashes, all have this ! Icky nasty !

What I see today driving to town was just disgusting upsetting, and stupidity of idiots, trash needs cleaned up everywhere all over our world ! Filthy nastiness only sickens the earth, the water, plants, crops, animals and us suffer, we have to get this garbage trash disposed of properly.........waters need to be bleached, as do nasty filth lands, just gross out there everywhere ! 

There is no excuse for this trash everywhere, people everywhere need to find trash, turn it in, if you wish donate time to help clean up all the earth.......

I see today locally, mattresses outside an old house, clothing, kids toys, filthy fast food wrappers, diapers that is disgusting, embarrassing to our county, local towns, just filthy ! Lazy asses !  :p.   Hillbillies.

Sometimes I think I need to just go stop by and clean up areas with boxes and boxes of trash bags ! I enjoy cleaning up filth !!! It is rather nice and rewarding to know you can help in the beautification of all areas......

Trash bags are at most stores and some farm supply stores.....affordable.

Brands we need ! Grand size !

Country Tuff
Great Value

Trash needs to be bagged in trash bags, taken to landfill, or trash pickup called.....

It's disgusting to think about what this filth does to our earth, waters, trees, plants, crops, livestock, pets, and us !

I would enjoy hauling of trash from areas I see need cleaned up, I would wear proper gloves, eye goggles, mouth masks....

Nasty old houses, dilapidated, old trailer houses, falling in, that junk needs cleaned up and destroyed, no excuse for this left around ! I hate that crap !

Often I become very depressed, angry, annoyed at areas looking so ugly + filthy......people can be very stupid, too damn lazy ! 

Come on ! People need to step it up, and clean up this filth !

Donate your extra time if you can, I wish I could help right now.


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