Monday, October 7, 2019

ceiling fans + decorative pull chains !!! windows !!!! shades, blinds !!!!

The ceiling fan is a much needed addition to ANY home, for most rooms I know this to be VERY true !!!! It is way to hot temperature often and the air can become stale, stuffy as we call it not much fresh air to breathe from in an enclosed room, home ya know ????

Ceiling fans can be a variety ALL styles, color hues, characters, plain, decorative, even multi color, or children's room ceiling fans !!!! Nice to have the pull chains so we can reach high above our heads to control the speed of the ceiling fans !!!! I prefer the decorative pull chains you can attach at the metal pull string area, oh my goodness !!!! THESE are just nifty !!!! Pretty, unique, eye catching, Swarvoski crystal, color hues variety, or gemstones, semi precious stones, carved decorated, whimsical !!!! OR ???? Cartoon characters, ANY theme for most ceiling fan pull chains !!!! Nice to look up at and see !!!! 

IF ceiling fans have lights, the crystal pull chains are sparkled, dazzling to see the light go through them !!!!! Rainbow hue color effect !!!! LOVE this !!!!!!


I'm hoping most have ceiling fans or are thinking of these genius ideas of installing a ceiling fan !!!! I know it helps combat the hot weather, stale air, stuffiness of the rooms air !!!!!! Keeps us cooler in dessert areas, I know it helps me, I keep mine running through most the year in most rooms, you may wish to purchase several ceiling fans interior the boxes, safely packaged and install high above your heads up at the ceiling !!!!

ALL styles out there for us, unique shapes, sizes, affix to electric outlet up at ceiling make VERY sure you have electricity to that room turned off at electrical switch box unit wherever it may be at in your home !!!!!! Instructional booklet to learn to install included as is most other needed installing pieces, pre packaged as well in the box !!!! IF help needed to install ceiling fans ask for assistance from home builders or watch a how to video, connecting electrical wires we must REMEMBER to color coordinate these wires with electricity shut off !!!!! SAFETY CONCERN !!!!

VARIETY !!!! These are unique darling gifts !!!! All fares, styles, color hues, distinct look, very alluring, decorative !!!! Choose as many as you need !!!! I adore these !!!!!

Hope this is helpful to ALL needing relief from the heat interior their homes !!!!

I know that new windows are VERY helpful !!!! These ALL styles, shapes, sizes, maybe we can donate old Windows ???? IF you are rebuilding and dozing down an older home why not donate the windows ???? Clean, Recycle, rebuild, reuse, IF they are safe, NOT cracked / broken !!!! Or ????? Purchase new windows !!!!! Reasonably priced, selections available !!!!! Helps with hot temperature for home and window blinds, shades, pull shades BEST I think !!!! Easier to install, more affordable !!!! Keep the heat outta the homes better with shaded window !!!! I know thermal curtains are VERY much needed to shade our homes rooms with Windows, these variety of styles, I have three Windows covered with thermal curtains !!!!! OR ???? Just use pull shades and blinds behind curtains should work !!!!



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