Saturday, August 1, 2015

manners and etiquette....

So many people can be rude, loud, disrespectful, nasty, have foul language.....and have body odors in stores...they need to clean up the best way they can.....people need to change for the better...not just for others but for themselves....

It makes me puke when I have to be near people with no manners or etiquette that are so very disrespectful to others and just do not care if they offend people anywhere...

Men need to be gentlemen and women need to be ladies and behave appropriately at all times...

I am not being snobby at all!!!.....I am just tired of it all....

I know not all people have been properly taught the right way to behave....but they can learn.

But there is a time when all that rudeness and disgusting behavior is too much for me to stand...gets on my nerves!....and all the foul language and loud yelling/talking constantly is annoying to me.....I just have to stay away from all that nasty behavior....

Loud talking, running the mouth off constantly, yelling, foul language is something that I had to be near in school all the time and then when I finished school and went on to take more classes it was the same thing all over again...still nasty talking, yelling, rudeness, and never being quiet....and they had bad body odor know just being very nasty and disgusting....

it all makes me puke and annoys me when they behave like that...

People need to always think about how they behave near others and stop all the loud yelling and talking constantly.

nasty foul language is embarrassing to me and when I am not that way...

I don't like that language about all those nasty sexual things/words because that is just disgusting and embarrassing for me to hear when I am not a sleep around or sexual.....

it's offensive to ladies and that's what I am...a lady! I just get sooooo embarrassed when I hear nasty talking like that....I don't even know what most those nasty words mean anyway....

My grandma has taught me a lot about etiquette and manners....She has always been very strict about etiquette~~~ how a lady should always behave, and how a gentleman should always behave..... and table manners/settings......and how to dress appropriately.

there are a lot of lessons to be learned about etiquette and manners....a whole world out there to learn is very helpful to know these things out in public when you are near others....

being disrespectful, having no etiquette or manners and being very rude when you are near others is very bad behavior and it makes the person being that way look very very bad and like an idiot.....


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