Tuesday, August 11, 2015

more collecting.....

It is cooler this morning and the sunrise is so beautiful with golds, reds, pinks and purple colors all painted together in the sky....I like beautiful cooler mornings like this....Ready for summer to be over!...

was able to go to town yesterday and I have been saving up any money I can for my collecting...

I have found something else I like to collect!.....haha...I do not know why I like to collect some things...

My new collectible item is something called Shopkins...they are really cute and tiny....Evidently these tiny collectibles have been out there to purchase in stores for several years!...I wish that I had known that already!...dang it!...lol

I went to Target and found a lot more Shopkins there in that store than I have in many other stores I have looked in....I just try to purchase the tiny collectible sets that are $2, $5, and $10 so you need to save up extra money to keep purchasing them...some of the others sets are more expensive and can get pricey...but they have more in them...

I purchased a few of the $2 Shopkins that are surprises..they are hidden from view and you have to purchase them, then unwrap the colored plastic that secures them...It's fun to get those and be surprised and they are more affordable....there are just 2 Shopkins in those $2 sets....

You can also purchase all Shopkins online also...which is good to find rare ones and other ones that you may not have...I just started collecting these after I saw an ad in the paper from a store advertising them...

they are on the toy aisle and on the collecting aisle in most chain stores...

I have been collecting stickers and baseball cards still with saved money..they are good to collect since they are fairly inexpensive....I purchased a pack of Topps Baseball cards for $10 a few weeks ago and a few sets of stickers for $1 a set...The stickers I purchased were Weather, Planets, colorful paw prints, multi colored hearts, outdoors, shiny construction/police/fire sets...haha!...they are cute.

Collecting is something that is good for your mind and you can take proper care of them by storing them in containers..keeping them clean....Cards that you collect like the baseball cards should be stored in a card collecting book....

I just don't know why collecting is so much of a hobby to me and I really like to collect certain items....

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