Sunday, August 17, 2014

suicide is awful.....

Woke up this is so peaceful early in the morning...I like to set outside on the back step in the cooler mornings and listen to nothing but wind blowing through the makes me feel better when it's cooler because it's not so hot outside and humid and you can actually breathe....asthma is not so bad then.

thinking about how when I have a bad day I always work at making it better...even when I don't feel so great or I'm upset or angry about silly things I try to make my day better by laughing about something and turning my frown upside down into a smile....haha!

If you have a bad day make somebody laugh or do something nice for someone even if it's just being nice at a store and saying thank you to the cashier or something like that....It also helps to get out of the house and go somewhere with your friends & family and talk about how you feel....

I've never had any issues with depression or anything and never needed medication for anything but if you need medication for depression or mental disorders you should always make sure you take your medications...

one thing that I have been hearing a lot about everywhere in the media/newspaper about suicide and I think about how awful and sad that is when someone gets so upset and sad they want to do away with themselves...It's so upsetting to me when I would find out anyone in my friends or family would ever think of ending their life! when they love and care about me I would never ever want them to even think about suicide because I need them in my life...I would tell them everyone has bad days and things will pass and get better!....everybody has bad days and they don't last forever...

if you are ever suicidal you should always talk with a mental health professional get help and/or medication and get out there and do something heroic & amazing with your life to make the world a better place!!! There's a million good things you can do with your life and set an example for your friends, colleagues, and especially your family members who love you!

so get your butt out of bed and throw back the curtains and do something good with your life! there are always good things to do for the world and always occupations out there who need more help to make the world a better and most importantly a safer place..and especially make people in your family that much more proud of you!!! ;)

when you do that, you make the world that much more happier and safer with your ownself...anybody can make a good difference in the may seem like a small happiness and goodness but even that little bit of good can change the don't ever end your life because everybody has somebody who loves them and would miss them like crazy!!!

just make good things happen with your life!!!

going to church this morning and donating some more canned food...even that helps make the world a better place!

gotta get my newspaper for coupons today, and go have lunch with my grandparents.

love ya, julie

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