Saturday, November 26, 2016

board games....

I was able to complete outdoor Christmas lights today...The wind was blowing very bad and all of my cardboard boxes and plastic wrapping that some of the Christmas decorations came in were picked up by the wind and I had to run and chase them down....Haha! piece of plastic wrapping almost made it across the road into a field! think they look ok, I just enjoy trying to be traditional...

Today I saw a woman purchasing board games at a store...every time I think about all of the many, many numerous board games there are out there to purchase I remember all of those I enjoyed throughout the years and how much fun they are to enjoy with loved ones!

There are various different types of games for all ages to enjoy...some are simpler and others moreso complex/challenging...I enjoy all of them, I don't have a favorite type of board game, I just know how entertaining they can be when you can have all of your friends/family take part and go to your house for a Board Game Night! much fun, and you can just laugh, be silly, take your time, and be social in a good way...

Many times there are Mystery solving type games, or those that require brain power....these can work best for each person's team as a whole to work on and be challenged by.....these are NEVER easy to solve, but are very interesting....

I find that I enjoy all of the board game pieces to look at, they are sometimes very creative and different, you just place them on the board game and start the games....

Board Game Nights would be fun for all to enjoy on Wednesday nights, OR on the weekend nights...just invite your pals over or your family at home there, and have a night of Board Games...I would have fun with that, it would be nice to be social in that way with friends and laugh, be silly, and giggle all evening!!!.....

I think some of the games for the older generations are so funny and they seem like a lot of fun to be silly about and laugh!.....

there are so many new board games out there for purchase now and I cannot believe how fun some of those look like they would be!....

you can keep scores of the games for each person's team, and maybe even play for silly prizes during your Board Game Nights.....haha!....have refreshments and snacks, and IF you have children they could also enjoy the children's board games in the kitchen at the table.......that can be a good way for them to learn some counting or math skills often....

The Board Games are available at most stores, sometimes near the children's toy aisles or near the cards in most stores...

these can be good ways to pass the time, or end boredom, and to challenge yourself!...But it is always more fun to enjoy a Board Game with friends/family...

I enjoy laughter, being silly, and those board games that are comical are always fun.


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