Friday, November 4, 2016

talking about rape....

Everyday, every year somewhere all over the world someone has been a someone in their family, a so called friend, and acquaintance, or a stranger....and this not only happens to innocent humans it happens to innocent pets and other animals!!!

Evil, nasty minded pervert weirdos have done this to innocent children, teens, adults and animals!!! That is the most disgusting, upsetting, evil that could happen to someone or something!!!

I have been very depressed, upset, and at a loss for words for many, many years now when I have now figured out what a lot of things were going on with others in this world!!! Many nights I have cried and cried because of what I have learned about this awfulness!!!

It happened to millions of innocent people and animals all over the world for years & years!....God wishes for this to all end!

Many times people have been raped by people in their family, and I cannot even begin to understand why something like that would take place in someone's family!!!.....I think maybe when they have been raped they often rape their children!?!!...just nothing but mental illness and evil....People who have been raped by someone in their family I just don't know how to describe how much that upsets me to know that has taken place in someone's life! I think that is something that breaks your heart, something that will always make you feel sadness and depression....I know people never get over that! and I cry for them everywhere.... 

People who are raped, can be given a disease, unwanted pregnancy, and they can have their bodies torn only to have to have repair with surgery, people can be severely hurt/killed after being raped!!!...

When I know so many millions of innocent people & animals all over the world have been raped I cry for them and all of the pain they have suffered..... When they are able to survive being raped, and get out there and fight back to END something terrible that causes rape, and to fight back with vengeance to rid the world of rape and stop rape I admire them for being courageous & strong!....I wish I could personally get rid of the weirdos who raped all of the INNOCENT people & pets/animals....

I know that when many people have been raped it can make you suicidal, an addict & abuse yourself with drugs, cut yourself, make you severely depressed and need to seek help & proper treatment...

People who have been raped will often have low self esteem also and maybe be very embarrassed they have been attacked/raped...A person should NEVER be ashamed, embarrassed that they have been raped, this is something that has been done to you! NEVER feel ashamed, or be embarrassed...Rape is something that I know nobody will ever be over, I know something that terrible would always stay with you as it breaks your heart so!.....I cry for everyone!

Innocent people who have been attacked/raped by nasty weirdo others I support them always and I pray for all of the millions of them who have been raped! awful!

when you have been through something so very traumatic and upsetting, you always need to know that there are people who can help you with health issues and proper treatment... I know they say that everyone needs mental health support and I know people probably get tired of being told that BUT it's only for you and your health!

When you have so many others in the world who have been raped, there needs to be support groups where they can talk about how they feel about this awfulness they went through and people need to sign confidentiality papers to be legal...Support groups are good I think for everyone who has been through something similar and traumatic....

I NEVER have been raped, and I never saw rape within my immediate family...I am very fortunate I wasn't attacked/raped,  with it going on with everyone in the world it seems!...I have just been so traumatized by those nasty women yelling at me for years: " YOU need to be raped bitch! You're beautiful!  YOU need to be raped like I was! You need to be a prostitute bitch!" that's the shit those nasty bitches yelled at me for years!...I'd always yell back at them: " IF you try to have me raped, it will be the LAST damn time you try bitches!"......ANYONE who rapes someone INNOCENT  or someone who rapes a pet or other animals, those nasty damn weirdos need their damn heads blown off!!!....they all need to go to hell and rot for eternity down there in the fire!

you know how that makes a girl like me feel when they have yelled that sick nastiness like that at me for years??! I have always been very kind, and never hurt or bothered anyone....I have never even slept with anyone in my life!!! when they want to say nasty shit like that to me, that damn trash can go to hell! they're all trash to be involved in nastiness like this, and try to hurt all innocent people and animals!!! Those nasty people I think want EVERYONE in the world to be raped and so they can belittle them, make fun of them, and mentally harm's all about ruining lives and control so they can make money off of others misery!!!...Needs to end!

it is very heartbreaking, depressing, upsetting, and traumatizes me to know so many innocent children, teens, adults, and animals have been raped...I have cried and cried for many years...

I HATE rape and nasty minded perverted weirdness that causes rape to occur to so many people and animals..i will always fight to END this!

Rape can happen to anyone anywhere in this world...It can be caused by drugs addling people's minds, previous rapes, or just severely mental issues.....

Teenage girls have always been lied to so they will attend drug parties and a lot of promiscuity takes place and you know the boys will call or the other girls will call and talk you into attending the party, sometimes you can be date raped, and this has went on forever with teenage girls & boys I have heard many stories for years....I was a teenager once, and I NEVER was allowed to attend any parties and although I was invited many times, I didn't wish to attend and I didn't trust any of those idiots in highschool inviting was always those creepy weirdo girls inviting me...I knew something was wrong with them! they were high, disgusting and annoying! and I knew they hated me and wanted to harm me.....I just laughed and ignored them all.....NEVER attend these worthless teenage parties or adult parties, or college parties, very dangerous and need to end...

Anyone can be date raped and be slipped something in their drink while not watching or be handed a drink that is contaminated with drugs, that will cause comas, and they could wake up raped or be killed with these contaminated drinks! Always make very sure your children don't attend these nasty worthless drug parties and make sure they are aware that rape can happen!!!

I just always think about all the awfulness that happens in the world to innocent humans and animals~~~it depresses me, upsets me, and I cry over this all the time....I pray for them.


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