Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Letter, thank you !

I just wanted to tell you all thank you for picking up my Rocky cat, they said you guys stopped by and went to get Rocky......thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you ! To everyone who did that ! I love you all ! I cannot wait to see you all sometime, whenever that is......He is a sweet + good behavior, loving critter ! I guess he got cancer from redneckss smoking dope at those apartments, before I found him, he's a best friend of mine, one of my only best friends, along with these other two and my dog.......isolated, made fun of, and been laughing at those turd heads losers, sluts, for years....

I have been very depressed about a lot of things as you know, but mostly depressed, upset, about my pets and grandparents, this harassment has been a wild creepy rollercoaster from hell since childhood........I survived !

Not upset about trash worthless family, none of them, mother just laughs......she said once they would all ruin each other, and burn in hell for the things they have said and done to us, she doesn't give a crap for them either, I tell her what they say to tell her about she laughs, but still confused........I have it mostly figured out, not upset, I knew something was evil........now I know exactly....

I don't have any memory of them all as a bunch, or even last time I seen the real ones, funny when you get hacked twilighted, totally gone, I can remember mean things done and said, as my mother remembers, but we just laugh, being apart of the Addams / Munster, family from hell.....

Weird thing is I honestly have never had any feelings about those morons, all of them, family and others........I never was happy, never felt anything but hate, no respect for all of them, I had to be around, near them, because of grandparents, church, nobody else to be near, I have always hated listening to their fake b.s., big wheel spending, bragging, nastiness, all that shit singing, as grandma bragged, big wheel jobs they all had given to them, all that, I fake smiled, fake nicey, nicey bitch fake face right back, all fug and disgusting trash family and others.......

I am not cryin about those losers. Never liked them, once you are treated, snobby, treated dumb as hell, belittled, bossed around, accused, screamed at, slave driven to do all the cooking, cleaning, work into some shit event they created, family birthdays, or church, yeah once you put up with this treatment since a child, you just don't give a damn for their fake, snobby, big wheel shit......I don't have any respect, or feelings for them and those followers...

Nothing is ever good enough bitch !

Never has been........little bitch !


I have seen a receipt from the new DG in Stown and I almost cried, it had the address, S town ! Wow ! That's amazing, we are getting somewhere now right guys !

M  --- Thanks to you and your family, for keeping me safe all these years, I'm sorry you had to, I never knew anything about all this !!! What a damn mess huh ??!

Can't wait to see everyone !  ( whenever that is  )


Love + miss you all !!!

P. S.  I am sleeping at night better now, fingers crossed it stays this way !!! I cringe + panic something bad will happen again, every day and night......

Thank you all for caring enough to keep me safe, all these years....


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