Saturday, January 20, 2018

Be a wonderful friend !!!.....

Finding others to be true, loyal, forever friends, can be a challenge to all of us ! Often they stray, go away, are bitter, jealous, hateful, hurtful.......this only breaks a person's heart.

Being able to find the kinda friend you know you can giggle with, share stories with, celebrate happy times with.....Always count on, and most importantly one you can always rely on to be there for you is challenging...

Trustworthy friends are always there for you during good or bad, happy or sad, are protective of you, care, truly love / adore you platonic love.....are sweet !

These trusting, caring loving true friends are often close as family should be, often we all may not have much family, and we bond, create a long lasting, strong family with our friends.......aww....comfort + feeling of safety at last.....

Being watchful, keeping your friends safe, away from evil, danger / harm, is a kind friend....the best way to be, you always wish to be watchful of them !!!

A true friend only cares and loves you, for you ! You don't have to worry about them using you for money, gain, valuables, or a better life never jealous, just happy for them !
When you have those good friends who truly adore you, you never have to pretend to be somebody you're not !!! They love you the way you are, you never have to worry about dressing fancy enough, your weight, your whatever !

Often, you grow up through life, and have those true friends you know exactly their demeanor, heart, who they truly are in their hearts !!! These friends can be a total comfort later in life, like a nice ol favorite pair of comfortable shoes !!! Haha........because you grew up together in school or wherever.......or maybe not !

When we have those wonderful friends, we know we only love / care for them at all times ! If they falter, fall down into filth, we know we need to help them get back up out of nastiness, so they will be safe, prosper, have hope ! Any friend on drugs, mentally ill, going through illnesses, trauma, shock, we need to always show support !!! Check on them, their well being.......Be there always for them..

Be very thoughtful ! Remember holidays, special events, send greeting cards, always inscribe well wishes, greetings, say hello ! Cheer them up !

Just being a wonderful, true, comforting pal, you never know, you may save someone's life !!!

All can be friends ! Adults, both men, women, then kids, both boys, girls.......Friends are friends ! Besties !

Never be snobby, uppity, never bitch, whine complain about a friend !!! Never talk about them behind their backs, Never connive, use a friend either !!! This is terrible, not true friendship, ever !

You have to be very careful who you allow into your friendship ring, know others first a year or so.......jealousy, terrible danger, betrayal, conniving, painful hurt, could happen if not first knowing someone awhile to be friends.......get to know someone truly before allowing friendship.......very important !.....happens to all of us sadly.

Inviting true friends to go places with you is more fun, when you know each other's, likes, dislikes, and you can laugh, be silly, enjoy the day, every invite !

Trustworthy, comforting friendship is a blessing ! No worries !  ;)


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