Monday, July 20, 2015

i like butterflies......

Butterflies are beautiful graceful creatures.

they make me smile.

I saw a few flying in the backyard yesterday and one it seemed that it wanted to land on my arm....It got very close to my arm and it never landed...I think it must have wanted to rest or something there on my arm or hand.....

Oklahoma has many types of butterflies that like to glide on the wind...It is very windy somedays and I wonder how can something be so small like that, fly and keep flying in winds that strong?......just like little birds who can fly in strong winds.....I think they keep flying because they have to....

I like all butterflies and they are all very beautiful to me...I think the blue ones are very pretty and I also like the Monarch Butterfly it is very colorful and pretty...It is a larger butterfly and I like to watch them.....I think they travel here from Mexico and like to fly and make landings in several areas of the's nice they stop by and like the flowers....very cheerful and brightly colored....

I like the bright orange colors of the Monarch Butterfly....

but anyway---

I think we all sometimes are like butterflies and little birds we have to keep flying in all bad or tough things to can never give up trying or being strong or stronger in life against all bad/sad/stressful  situations.....when you keep flying you get through those awful situations and you may get through a little torn up but you survive when you never give up!!!

you may seem so small trying to survive against some of the most tough/upsetting/stressful dangerous situations but always remember that even the smallest most graceful creatures can survive those situations.....if they can survive as well by never giving up and working on being stronger....

so when I look at small creatures like butterflies or any other small creature that faces something terrible/dangerous/sad and overwhelming I think if they can survive everybody can too!....they always fly against the strongest winds and keep on flying...we all should do that..just be brave, strong and never give up on life....

keep on going against all challenges and bad situations....things will get better it just takes time to get stronger and to get through bad times....then they are over in your life or better!


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