Friday, July 10, 2015


Science is something that I really like to read about, study and discuss with other who are like minded...

Many good things for the world have emerged from science and study....things that have helped people and saved lives as well...It has also helped make some things easier to work with in with science also helps the medical field...which is always good.

chemistry is also apart of science and it is helpful in many ways too....

Scientific study not only helps people but it also helps find ways to help nature as well...

without science many things would not be available to us and the earth....

In school I had friends who were very smart and intellectual..i considered them geniuses...I wonder how they are doing?

I admire very smart "genius" people.....the world has many of those geniuses and thank goodness they are here!...Without those geniuses many things would never be right and many things would never work or have been invented..the world wouldn't ever progress and grow without those smart intellectuals and their studies.

these scientists/geniuses have great minds capable of understanding and figuring out all the theories of science most others cannot understand..

some people call them dorks, but I think they are cute in their glasses! (if they wear them)

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