Tuesday, October 13, 2015

planting wheat, hillbilly neighbor woman yelling as usual.....

Worked yesterday in the field planting wheat.

First we had to grease and WD40 the drill and the grease fittings on it...very messy! Had to use Dawn dish soap to remove the grease from my hands...lol...we unstopped the drill in places where it was clogged from mice nests, and older wheat bits from last year, we used  a piece of baling wire to unstop those areas.

We had to purchase the wheat seed at the feed/seed store in sacks..They wrapped all the sacks in plastic and they were on a wooden crate piece.We were able to pick up at the store the sacks on the crate already wrapped in the plastic and in no time we were going to the field...they're heavy...but not as heavy as molasses tubs..

when we go to the field we have to tear the sacks top half off and pour that into the drill...then another, then another after plowing repeat the cycle...It was so very windy yesterday and the dust was in the air everytime we made a drill in the field....The dirt has some moisture to it, so I think it will plant just fine for awhile..a lot of work...took 4 hours to plant one field....we have to keep stopping to check and make sure the seed hasn't all been used up from the drill planting so that takes a little extra time....and then we have to fill the drill again...

Loudmouth hillbilly neighbor woman and her BS...again...all the time------

so I got home by 6:30pm...and I was walking into the house I heard that loud mouthy bitchy neighbor up the road screaming at a dog or something and I think she hit him!..*sadness!*.I was upset and I cried about it!...It makes me so damn angry that she' s up there yelling or hitting at animals!!!...the dog stopped barking and I just cried!....she's a nasty, nasty woman, like those on the corner!

I cannot understand why she even exists...all she does for years now is yell outside or prowl at night!!!....I wish she'd leave for good!...I cannot stand her at all....and those other idiots up at the corner yell all the time and prowl too!...sick of it!!! just a bunch of hillbillies and more crap to have to listen to, see, and get mad about...stupid idiots..i wish they would all LEAVE and get away from here..i can't sleep at night at all for all the chaos!

I'm sick again with bronchitis and I know why it came back to my lungs because of all the crap going on with these people out here on my road..i cannot sleep or rest!..stressful with these weirdo/idiots out here!

sick and tired.

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