Tuesday, September 17, 2019

book fairs !!!! , rock candy !!!!

Attending a local book fair is VERY exciting to me, always has been !!!! They are usually at the local school library or at the library there in town, they advertise so INQUIRE check and see IF you enjoy it !!!

Book fairs are for ALL ages, you can purchase many books, items, or maybe just children's, brand NEW !!!! They also have lists of items for the office and books things as bookmarks, ALL office needs !!!! Cutesy colorful often !!!! Children's books mostly BUT, I know of the older age books at some book events, / fairs !!!! Watch local advertising for the book fairs, take a long the children, friends + family welcome too !!!! Take along enough money !!!!

I know most genres of books can be found at the local used, book stores !!! THESE very affordable and gently used covers are NICE......I have browsed many used book store aisles as well !!!! Some just a dollar, few cents, reading is a great way to rest, relax, escape our stresses, rushed, hurried days !!! Get lost in a book !!!! Read !!!

I enjoy the new books I read the back cover page for a brief summary story of what the book is about !!!! Then I purchase IF I think it is something I will adore !!!

INQUIRE......see if you may be able to help host a local book fair at the schools or town library, they have tons, tons, tons of books to see, purchase, support local to you !!!!! Tell of the need for book fairs, ALL ages can attend / support buy new books from !!! Scholastic brand one of my faves book fairs from school days !!! AND ? The local library often has used book sales as well !!!! 

All styles of books, prepare ahead of time to host a book fair, buy books early, donate IF possible !!! Advertising week or two in advance local community event !!!!

I adore reading !!!

Just found some new to me rock candy, for the upcoming celebrations of autumn !!! Black, white, orange rock candy ALL styles, the crystals looking rock candy on wooden sticks !!!!! AND the cut stone looking rock candy with tiny pictures interior, VERY colorful, eye catching FUN !!!! 

ALL color hues, styles, seasonal themes with the cut stone looking rock candy !!! Some may even look as broken pieces of a window, colorful, flavors variety !!!

The rock candy on wooden sticks crystals look, ooh !!! Beautiful !!!! ALL flavors color hues, some already wrapped individually or in packaging !!!!

BOTH styles of the unique rock candy neato to me !!!! I LOVE rock candy either style available !!! Great gift or just for you to celebrate with others at upcoming celebrations or anytime !!!!

LOVE, j. !!!!!

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