Wednesday, August 14, 2019

giant stickers + others !!! Feather prints + merchandise !!!!

It has been VERY hot weather and a drought locally, I know how very easily we can become overheated and sick !!!! We MUST ALWAYS take every safety precautions we can during these very hot temperature days and care for our pets properly, our children, the elderly and REMEMBER to shade, water, feed, tend to ALL our beloved pet family ALL the time !!! KEEP them VERY cool !!!! PLENTY drinking water icy cool water for them and shade, feed them !!! WATCH out for those who leave pets and babies / children left in the hot cars outdoors !!!! REMEMBER NEVER leave our pets, babies, elderly, left in a hot temperature vehicle !!!!! DANGER !!!! ILLEGAL ALERT proper authorities IF we see this going on !!!! Help them IF possible !!!!

I have been trying to stay cool during the excessive heat and I have been trying to chill, sticker booking, and coloring in the coloring books !!! I LOVE the Giant stickers that take up an ENTIRE page in the sticker book !!!! THESE nifty !!! Variety of these ginormous stickers, ALL sizes, characters, squishy, glitter, shaker stickers with confetti, mini beads, water, glitter !!!!!!! Oh these are darling !!!! The giant stickers are in variety INQUIRE !!!! Neat !!!! Nice to collect, find most kawaii style of this brand plenty stores on the internet and craft stores may have these as well my dears !!!
Giant coloring books / coloring pages as well for us ALL ages can enjoy these !!!!

The shaker stickers are pictures underneath glitters, foil confetti, or mini plastic pictures, or water, THESE ???? Gotta have !!! Mini beads are so pretty to shake of these stickers !!!! LOVE these !!!!

I also found the foil iridescent balloon 3 D style stickers set for the wall, look as Mylar balloon helium foil balloons stickers for the walls and I think for the sticker books as well !!! Aren't these something !!!!!! Oooh pretty !!!! Nice find !!!!! Variety of these kawaii as well !!!! Look online / internet for these rares !!!!! Characters of the 3 D balloon style foil stickers, cutesy !!!!

I create my own sticker books they are much simpler to construct and have more room the way I create them myself, building your own sticker book is simple !!!!

Two inch binder with three rings, your choice
Colorful construction paper / card stock you choose
Plastic sheet page protectors see thru three ring
 Simple !!!!!!

I recently found the beautiful feather prints !!!! Colorful, plenty items for us to enjoy !!! Whimsical humane feather items, ALL prints wares, I see on most ANYTHING !!!! NICE !!! Cutesy floating graceful feather prints !!! Dream catcher + ALL items of these nice as well !!!! Adore these !!!!! Southwest influence !!!! 

-- fabrics
-- stickers
-- clothing, ALL
-- jewelry, ALL
-- purses
-- shoes
-- decorations


Hope you enjoy as much as I !!!!! Something different for us each individually !!!!!

LOVE, j !!!!!

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