Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Diabetes and hypoglycemia.....

I've been thinking about how there are not that many diabetic options for diabetics in stores or restaurants..I know they have to keep their blood sugar checked and watch the foods that they eat because of starches and refined sugars....I know they have diabetic candies which is good for candy loving people but I think there should be more choices in everything for diabetes...Everything you look at should have a diabetic option next to it so it will be fair to people who want to stop at a restaurant and not have to look at the menu and be careful it should be already diabetic friendly.

There is also something called hypoglycemia and that is when your blood sugar is very have to be careful what you eat when you have that as you feel kinda sick and can pass out when you don't have enough sugar to eat.There's a lot of things you can eat and a lot of things you can't.I didn't know much about hypoglycemia until I found out that this cute guy from highschool had it...he felt really bad one day and he laid his head down on his desk and he just wasn't laughing or making me laugh and I knew something was wrong with that cutie pie! I hope he's doing ok now all these years later. ;)

people need to know the difference between hypoglycemia and diabetes because they both need to be taken care of and you need to follow a strict diet or it could be serious for your health.I don't have either one of these problems but I am aware of them because people I know and love have these medical problems and I know they care about me so I care about them.

check your blood sugar and take your medicine at all times and follow your diet as your doctor directs you too.

there just needs to be many more options for people with these medical problems because there just isn't really that many choices for these 2 medical problems because they are blood sugar related problems so if there are many more choices for them to choose from places they go they will have less stress when going to eat dinner or whatever.

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