Monday, July 28, 2014

singing yesterday at church......fake sugar allergies?......

Church singing went ok..the music was pre-recorded and the beat and tempo was too slow for what I have known of singing the song all these years....Lol....I messed up because the music was kind of wrong....too slooooow...haha....I just laughed and I said:"Oops! I'm used to this being faster!".....haha!!!...

but anyhow I got a lot of nice compliments on my singing and the other 2 songs I sang everyone told me it was really pretty and not to worry about messing up on that first one...Next time if I ever do the song leading again hopefully I will have time to listen to the music before I sing with it....Lol.....they took my Old Rugged Cross song and changed it to "Grace Greater than Our Sin" I didn't really know that well at I just tried my best and I did really nice on was a lot of fun...but I was nervous because I tend to want my singing to be perfect especially in church for God.

everyone kept telling me I did a great job singing and I had a great voice it made me feel better when I got compliments and I thought I messed the first song up BUT I didn't!....the music was just recorded different than I'm used to...I had a lot of fun helping out anyway!

I was thinking about some fake sugar that I saw at a grocery store...I can't eat a lot of fake sugars they make me kinda nervous!..I get anxieties and clammy hands and sweaty when I eat even a small bit of those sugar substitutes...

Splenda--nervous,mind races,  ascesulflame--in flavored water(or anything) makes me itchy and nervous, phenylketournics/phenylenanine---in chewing gums or candies, waters, makes me have anxieties and nervous I only chew half a stick of chewing gum if I can only find chewing gum with that in it...

hope I spelled those right! ;)

pretty weird how some people can eat that fake sugar and others can't.....I have to be really careful about things like that because I have allergies to things...I'm not diabetic or anything but when your life includes people who love you who have all kinds of health issues I want to eat right with them and try to eat the same things so they won't feel left out...I will find some way to include everything in my diet to help these loved ones feel not so left out in the future....


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