Friday, October 28, 2016

broken heart syndrome, healthy heart.....

I know that everyone needs to take extra care of their black furry pets this weekend because of evil creepy weirdos and the weekend - 31st celebration....It is best to keep your black furry pets indoors safe from harm this weekend til Monday!...Pumpkin cat wanted me to remind everyone how dangerous it is especially for black cats!!!...


I know how easy it is to have your heart broken and it can be broken because of awful things you have gone through in life, had your feelings severely hurt, had many terrible harmful things happen to you that have depressed you...I do know that when you have your feelings hurt and depression is there in your mind, I know that it can lead to serious heart ailments and that is known to be true...

I think that when you are severely depressed and even probably having mental health issues this can lead to serious heart complications and when you are depressed and hurt by something or someone this can lead to addictions that hurt your body...this is very serious and needs to be tended is especially hurtful to your loved ones to watch you go through sadness, upsets, heart ailments, abuse, addictions......I have seen this way too many times with loved ones, and I cry when I know someone I love is in pain, has been hurt/abused, depressed and it just makes me sad!

Heart troubles can be mentally or physically caused.

Physically causing yourself heart ailments by self abuse/addictions, not eating proper meals with plenty of leafy green vegetables and vegetables or salad with EVERY meal...My Grandma has always taught me to enjoy plenty of greens/vegetables with meals....We have always known to have a little fun and cook some desserts and sweets--these can be fun! sometimes fry for a meal, but we always use clean oil, and healthy cooking oil, drain grease on paper towels, and have plenty of vegetables, salads, and I enjoy water & tea all the time with meals....

I even was vegetarian for a year or so and I became seriously ill.....BUT I do know how to cook good healthy meals, and I am up-to-date on all the healthy ways to cook meals and I know all the heart healthy dishes......

I know I like to place a few fun dessert recipes on my blog and those online shouldn't look at them if they make them angry...weirdos! mean, IF you want to ingest those cardboard nasty Lean Meals in a box go right ahead, take some stupid drugs, and drink some hot water with them too! many times have I heard that diet from all those stupid women/men!!!...*eyeroll*...whatever! go chew on some cardboard if you like those Lean Meals in a box...icky!

recipe books for cooking/preparing meals for those with heart ailments are available and I have many healthy cooking recipe books....IF you have family or friends with these heart issues they are available....I am up to date on all the latest healthy cooking supplies and recipes for all ailments....believe Grandparents have taught me all about that! I probably know more than most

We know all about exercise here in Oklahoma, and I know that when I exercise all the time I like to walk up onto the ginormous hill on my property and oh, it is nice to see for miles.....I like to take GoofBall for a walk with me daily in the cool evenings or early mornings....with his collar around his neck and his leash attached to that....exercise for us both!

but....having a broken heart does cause you to lose hope and become depressed...this all leads to heart ailments...and when you love someone and they have these issues it is upsetting....

taking good care of your loved ones going through heart disease or heart ailments is very IF you have heart troubles, get them worked on and get better! so your loved ones won't cry and be stressed!

Keeping the stress & anxiety of life away from you is best, eliminating all your vices, and learning to prepare meals more healthy...staying away from people who upset and annoy you is best for your overall health and you heart especially! they cause stress and upset so best to stay away from those people....I know all about that!!! stress!

Hosting Heart Health events and Heart Health talks is a good way to make your community aware of heart issues and proper treatment available....all kinds of ways to prepare meals for your heart troubles and how to overcome broken heart syndrome with mental health care.....

It can be fun for women to have a Heart Health Event, be aware, and wear red shirts and red lipstick.....that would be cute for the heart color hue at these Heart Health events/talks! I know they have a Heart Health Awareness month....


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