Sunday, July 21, 2019

Birds !!! Key prints !!! Clip Art !!! Music !!!!

Finished coloring a bird coloring book last night, it was several pages, quite NICE !!! I adore ALL birds and think they are very wonderful each and every one !!! I cry because they are endangered most and are sadly caged, sold and trafficked just because they are exotic, beautiful, rare !!!! They MUST be kept VERY SAFE !!! ALL of them !!! Zillions of birds, ALL rare beautiful, and needing to be kept VERY SAFE from EVIL creepy humans !!!!

We can admire and celebrate !!!! The birds safely, HUMANE with those cruelty free items, that are quite alluring + pretty !!!! I find PLENTY of bird prints, and merchandise on the internet very cutie !!! Wish for the birds to ALL be kept SAFE !!! Very unique colorful winged birds I cry over their capture being caged is sadness, breaks their spirit to NOT be able to fly !!!!! I know how this is, believe me !!! Happens to most ALL animals required to be caged or shackled, or held back from freedom.......they should be wild + free !!!

Several bird items for us to admire !!!! Online, internet best place to discover ALL the items, prints, merchandise !!!!

The other whimsical print I find much of would be the nifty keys print, vintage look to the keys print design !!! I enjoy it quite often to see as a design, print, very rustic, vintage look to the keys drawing, much as a fairytale !!!! Cutesy designs of items of the keys prints !!! I had a keychain once of a vintage key rustic antique look to it !!!! What could it be a key to ???? That's the excitement and imagination, of the cutesy key design items!!!! I even LOVE the cute, colorful, characters key caps, for our REAL keys to our homes, vehicles, post office boxes, businesses, vehicles !!! IF you haven't seen the colorful character key caps ??? Look through the zillion different character key caps, more whimsical adornments for REAL keys to our lives !!!!

Anyways, plenty of merchandise / items / wares of the keys prints, designs, even the fabrics !!! Inquire !!!

Next thing I wish to speak of would be the letterhead / documents / newspaper / business adornments of the computer graphics ART !!! These are the cute pictures we find on most newspapers that are themed, can be pretty as a peach !!! Aww !!! I enjoy seeing the local newspapers of the cutesy themed clip arts and ALL graphic design adorn the tops or edges, sides of specific areas of newspapers or business advertising, much as a post card IF you understand this !!! It's just actually decorating adorning the office, business, newspapers with cute, colorful themed pictures pertaining to what is being spoken of on the paper !!!

I just wish for our local businesses, advertisements, newspapers to be more so adorned, vintage look, colorful, and I enjoy seeing old style fonts as well !!! Ink jets, printer paper, newspaper office machines, computer high tech work NEEDED for us in ALL local areas !!! I enjoy seeing the local news of town, cities, BUT hey, that's just me !!! Reading the newspaper is an old tradition to me !!! Early am before the day begins !!!! Recycled paper the BEST for newspaper offices !!!! Clip Art nice for THIS !!!! Inquire !!! It's VERY exciting, ALL variety of the clip art for the computers high tech !!! Wish for the equipment for most regional areas, would be interesting for us ALL to find, see, read on the tops of most papers !!! NOT necessary, but more detailed, professional look !!! Interesting to see !!!

I listen to music EVERY day of my life to keep my mind occupied and inspired, I think music to be very inspiring, enlightening to our minds !!! I enjoy most music styles, NO profanity, NO disgusting EVIL music !!! Creepy gross !!! I ONLY listen to the music that is NOT satanic !!!! Very disgusting that satanic crap !!! MUST END !!! Puke !!! Haha !!!

Plenty of music's to purchase, download, try, sing with, I prefer singing on my free extra time days, and as I am crafting, working on my nail art, or trying to relax !!! Much music to exercise with, drive the vehicle with, destress with, calm, and to inspire me depending on the artist genre style of music I even admire listen to the older music from all the years past way into the early 1900s, vintage, try listen to something different every day IF you can, causes your soul to feel different, inspired, or something ???? I don't know music is something to our soul much as the spa music I enjoy, so much calming with this one !!! Just an idea for each of us !!! PLENTY of songs for us to listen to must be at least a trillion songs throughout time to listen to, we haven't ALL heard, can't be need for much more new music !!!! PLENTY out there just mp3 downloads to your music device or phones, OR ??? Cos for those CD players in your vehicles or portable CD players at home, plug in the wall outlet place CD interior and let's sing, dance, or unwind with the music of your selection !!!!!

--------- Hope this is helpful !!!!!!

ENJOY !!!  j.

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