Thursday, May 3, 2018

Another day of another letter !!!

Well, more screaming today, more crickets hacking our minds as we travelled to Duncan, mom Mimi, me hearing popping sound ping, crickets loud, louder, too loud !!! Stevie says that it's health tech issues, trying to work is that true ??? Screams as we went to applebees restaurant for moms birthday.....

Screaming about z and k getting rid of the reals, for their money ! They apart of this ! They go ! Bitch fat ass ! More screaming about Japanese, some countess van buren from Tarrant county, dfw area ???? Whoever that snob bitch wheel is ???

Screams you get no health tech fat ass bitch keep your fat ! Fat hysterectomy no hormones bitch ! whisker patch bitch ! They go today ! Your health tech over ! Keep screaming Steven and lu dead and Aaron, their mom bitch ! They been gone 20 yrs ???? I laugh at what I tell you believe bitch ! Stevie says this to my waves all day.....

Stevie setting beside me at next table at restaurant he kept saying, your ugly bitch, you're fat, your hair is slouch overweight dying bitch gut rot diabetes cancers, we all put in your head fat whale ! fat tub belly ! Fat boobs all fat ! People talk about your ugly broken nose, broken back slouch no manners ! Arms on table ! Why are you here bitch ?????? Well why the hell are you in here buzzard nasty ??????!!! Following me to assault my waves as usual.....kept screaming about bitch with him, she likes his load ???? Said there's Jess m over there look it's her !!!

Oh Lord help me ! I have a tough time thinking after all this on my waves attacking me, and then many tasks, much stress, them at home, blood and goo, then stevie, Japanese, waves hackers, tired, bad position to stand in the middle of constantly.....trying to do 5 different things at once, then listen to this crap. !

You are a joke bitch, everybody's laughing at you fat ass ! Yeah well keep laughing, I think I laugh more trash ! 

Said OkCity is coming down here tonite to kill you bitch no one to protect you bitch ! Die bitch ! Said we hack you tonight bitch ! More about tubs Japanese c all that they scream over ! Clint b f him they yelled, f M he gets all that f him not fair ! F you all bitch !

Screaming about stupid Mara, some kid or sister family I guess ???? Screams about R family, all day, T and J, B......other R family names...

Screams about real Z and his Japanese girlfriend f###ing at grocery store ??? Marlow ??? Said he has secret Japanese baby over east ! He gets everything we kill for money f him !!! Japanese screams.....non stop so whatever that is about ??? More junk about I. h. Money !!!! I have had it with hearing about that idiot and money !!!!!

Everything too tied up over east for many more years now bitch no money bitch ! No one talk to you about nothing ever now fat ass ! We own that !!!! F you bitch ! We have more from everywhere to tie your life up limbo your life ?????!

Kept screaming OkCity is killing you tonite bitch, tulsa is listening in your house, mind, waves, vehicles ??????

Hold you captive forever bitch govt will never let you be free, over who you are and this money bitch so die give up bitch be a whore we make you kidnap your ass drug you bitch !!!!!!! Yeah well don't think so losers !!!!

Screaming about my J family again kill them they screamed ! Screams about M my family, she's dead now bitch ! F her ! No money for her !!!! Whatever trash I think you all go burn in hell traffickers, washdc screams today too.....?????Whatever that is about....

Trying to hurt harm kidnap me and M over money our families, all this mess they keep screaming and Z and K, reals, the same about them they scream ! So they're up to something, plotting, about waves, M crtl screams and G. Family ties about M ?????!! Something about that I don't know what exactly this crap is......they're up to something from washdc, and OkCity ???? Scarey.

Thanks, sorry to annoy you again. Need help.


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