Friday, May 18, 2018

barns, flowers to purchase, cleaning....

I love to look at + study barns, their designs, styles, metal roofing / plain tin......I seem to prefer the old style best ! Not much fuss over metal siding ! a nice plain style tin, plenty of room for all animals on the farm to rest from harsh sun's rays, and terrible hot weather !

Cement floors best interior barns and some exterior the barn to set items for feeding, equipment, shade for the animals to set exterior the barn also, need awnings, metal shade ! Nice barn !

Hay is best bedding interior to place on top the cement floors, clean replace every week....if possible !....clean up poop, excess smelly hay, replace, wear mask for mouth + nose so NO asthma / allergies troubles ! Use shovels, wheel barrows, rolling.....discard outdoors away from barn near ditches, to deter smelly poop, + flies, pests ! AWAY from home, wind can blow the smell near home....shoo !

Shoo fly Shoo ! Go away flies ! + mosquitos !   :(

Water tanks for all animals needed near barn in shade ONLY ! Breathers placed at sides of water tanks work well with oxygen for water in the water tanks, attach hose............feeders are best placed near the barns, in shade also !

Flies can be terrible near barns so fly sprays needed, fly deterents near barns........

Having water wells created near home + barn close by, helps ! Water hydrants by barn separate work best, helpful !

Barns need to be clean always, interior cleaned, stalls for horses created ? Clean these daily also ! Feed water, rest, shelter from heat for all barnyard animals, open air at sides only for fresh air for them resting, oscillating + portable air fans spinning work wonders for the animals to keep cool.......shelter from the sun's rays is a requirement to keep them cool, safe, well !

I love barns, country life !

Clean up near barns + home is a MUST ! Keep all feed sacks, farm chem containers thrown into trash ALWAYS ! Hay twinkles, throw into trash ALWAYS keep all waste, trashes thrown into trash bins, burn....

Cleaning of ourselves and cleaning, sanitizing of all businesses, homes, wares, items is something we need to always improve on ! Smackdown of the health codes, inspectors, and health depths, needed ! We need to be more, more clean ! Cleaning is something we can NEVER stop working on, always room to improve on that area of life !!!

Where's the bleaches, soaps, sanitizing sprays, cleaning products !!!???? At the stores, as you know ! Go to Dollar Tree, buy twenty different cleaning items you need for just about twenty $ 20 + tax !!! That's all ! $ 1 / cleaning supply ! That's where I purchase my cleaning supplies for home or wherever, all the time ! 

Cleaning gloves, scrubbers, soaps, Bleach also ! Look and you will find them plenty ! Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Family Dollar, Wal-Mart, local grocery sometimes......for businesses, home, bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, bathing areas, pet food, water bowls also need scrubbed, bleached / sanitized, RINSE thoroughly them dry ! Car detailing, washes, interior, exterior products too !  ;)

These businesses ALL MUST be CLEAN :

Sanitary sprays, bleach floors, all equipment, food areas, inspections by health depts, drug + disease illness test those working in places the public uses, hands on hand contact close by, disease, can be transmitted, food prep, day cares, adult and child, mental health evaluate also needed......danger zone for public.

Restaurants, all food prep workers and entirety !
Nurseries, day cares, all
Chain stores, malls, everything must be clean !
Schools, everything.
Nursing homes
Mental health homes
Hospitals, all
Clinics, all divisions, specialty
All doctor offices + doctors., nurses.
Veterinary and Animal doctors
Pet shelters, Adopt ! Inspect for humane, sanitary conditions
Special Needs homes
Food trucks
Snow cone stands
Swimming pool water, inspect, bleached daily, test this !
Hair style shops
Nail huts, manicurists, inspect, everything.
Eye glass huts, need clean eyewear, inspect.
Pet groomers, inspect for clean, sanitary

Everything must be very clean, safe, inspect + test ! We need to clean up everyone, everything.....we all need to bathe daily if possible, groom, scent, smell nice, be clean, wash hair, manicure all nails, toes + fingers ! cut hair, shave, wash with soap ! Hygiene ! Wash wash wash ! Bathing in morning wakes you ! I bathe in late evening, rest better, feel better, washing away the day I say ! Go to sleep. Relax.

Anyways, thinking about the petunia flowers, I love to plant, purchase in flats, squares, very affordable, to plant several in planters, set on the porch ! I adore all the color hues of the petunia, easier to grow in shades during harsh hot weather climates ! Just keep watered, planting soil is best to plant interior......petunias !  ;)

I think a porch is best with flowers setting interior planters there, and porch swings + chairs to place on the porch whichever you prefer !, go set underneath the porch shades / awnings, drink lemonade or other, chat with family / fans are helpful too....


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