Thursday, May 24, 2018


Often as I drive through the countryside, I live nearby, I like to see the old abandoned windmills........there are some still turning ! Rusty, broken, apart of the landscape still !

There are many photographs taken of landscapes, old farms, where the windmill is silhouetted by the beautiful sunset......I love them !

Very beautiful, plain, simple, old style......

There are many farms locally I see where there are windmills being reconstructed, this I think is wonderful !

Windmills can be constructed from steel + strong, sturdy wood, all sizes, styles, variety, grand size better !

The windmill is a self efficient affordable way to create electricity, churn water, pull up from the earth, affordably.......simpler I think.

The wind turns the windmill fan and moves below to pull up water for land, farm, home use, cattle......

Wind power is an excellent source of renewable energy, for us to continue using, natural from the earth, renews !

I think wind turbines are nice, the grand size turbines, gathering wind just below the clouds, create energy, these are renewable resources also ! 

Too much of the fossil fuels below earth we rely on ? They can end with too much consumption....not renewable with those fuels, bad they end ! More alternatives needed.

Solar energy is another nice renewable resource, we can all use to create energy for many, many items ! I see many solar power items, for using near home, and near cattle gates.....most I have seen, solar grids, patterns, collect from sun's rays, gather energy to perform tasks, many items, NO electricity required ! This is exciting + wonderful for everyone, more affordable, safer for our earth ! And is renewable energy !    ;)

The windmills need to be rebuilt, restarted, I like the old style, simpler days best ! Save money where + when you can.........windmills on farms can be very helpful, more so affordable with updated additions, keep it old style, simple but with newer ways !

Wind is plenty most days, windmills could be helping create much electricity for houses + our farms everywhere, more affordable....

Sometimes the more simple something is, the better it is for all of us........I love the old ways of farming + life........simpler, often calmer, more peaceful........

everything can be too complicated, way too fast with technology sometimes.......makes life boring + stressful........slow down ! Go back to older ideas, ways, more simple life !

Do we really need life to be more complicated with all this extra technology crap ? No......I think driving + controlling your tractor yourself is best ! Never a computer driving it for you ! Stupid. Enjoy driving it yourself, full day's work........that's real life ! Living, being a farmer, NOT a computer !

Love, Julie !

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