Monday, February 4, 2019

More b.s. tonight !!!...

Screaming non stop all day about money off over east crtl Japanese N family crying screaming about north Dallas HW Nash screams about endocrine cancer and killing off the R family and J family of mine left !!! F Joe he goes F Tyler Casey F them F Devin !!! Screaming over money of theirs they want think they own !!!!???? Yelling because I won't buy dope won't solicit They are trafficking you bitch F you !!!

Sick of this constant threatening or bullying or psychological war fare cry bags dea mostly today OkCity hit F you bitch closing in on you NOW bitch !!! They have to hide behind equipment such wimps losers !!! Haha !!! Wah wah !!! I'm TIRED of it !!!

Bitching about Z and Kenz real today dead they went shot dead we took him out F his nasty ass he went crying q#### !!!! Then Joe Bill shit dead last night over we get trillions of their money I 35 hours they ALL dead gone !!! F them R family all going F them killing Philip T off F them we worked on this bitch !!! Joe model giant he can't stop himself ????? Whatever that means ????

Screaming over estate mm F you we kill you ALL off bitch for estate bitch !!! Screaming over bshaw house and alexndr houses, pboy Chad trailer and mccracks family ALL their b.s. non stop....

Screaming Alan has to keep mccracks story going he needs money F you bitch !!!??? Whatever this is about....


For the past few weeks since my mother died they have been showing up to my house as Lewis Ray Tom mccracks also, taking G off driving drinking all hours late stevie says to poison him off to take EVERYTHING we have here govt stevie Bobby did this !!! F him !!! Japanese kid is doing this to kill him with laced pills bitch take land house then rape kill you bitch !!! Tonight he's been gone 6 hours it's late and I called his ass he's messed up drunk doesn't know where he is, stevie is screaming that Japanese kid knows who he us and is angry I'm NOT involved in ANYTHING !!! He tried to hack kill you today at Marlow bitch !!! Over and over screaming to my waves this b.s. tonight !!!!

They been crying screaming because I'm going to go have my hair roots touched up for $ 40 and are screaming over hair style shop non stop for some reason and cussing the R family and Bill, Tim Megan non stop screaming this !!!!???? Why ????!

Yelling over mccracks crtl mob ties money off Johnny Doug Linda brit, Tom, Lewis Barbra, Linda T Alan Kelly j, bub that whole NASTY thug bunch + rat hair !!! I am sick and tired of their fug nasty faces, story b.s., and cry bags over their money !!! THEN shit mess the N family is causing playing their faces, Japanese N family ???? Is blaming screaming at me tonight over and over is Bobby mad at me or David ????? It's Japanese yelling and stevie, screaming about Alan t money Bobby awarded ????? Won't leave me alone about my hair style appointment and some sluts working there money or something about them !!!! Stevie harassing over me leaving NOT marrying him NEVER talking to him ever again !!! 20 years I have been listening watching you bitch !!!! He's creepy stalker weird.....HELP.

I have to be awake early and I am too TIRED to set up all night waiting to make sure G drunk or drugged will return home safely without having to go search for him.......

So tired of this kinda life, I miss my mother.

Yelling screaming over that estate, then money off washdc black men filth anaconda moan sick filth again and pregnancy for Asians black seed !!!! The babies we get checks and cards here biracial mix children are needed !!! We take them there after born !!!!! More moaning squirting sicko filth noises played and slapping noises !!! Screaming about black men ball c## hairy balls Joe's got it man !!! Inappropriate sicko talk.......I am TIRED. ENOUGH........then more sending me pictures to my waves of men pooping in toilet and wiping with leaves, then toilet paper on plunger pictures again, hairy butts big dongs need wiped shitting logs split the timber pictures of poop falling into toilet then splat sound with turds falling into tile floor !!!!! Hairy asses big giant Kong balls and c### !!!! Spying on washdc or something ????? We take pictures of them giants fat shits !!! 

Sicko gross puke !!! I do not care to hear about or see pictures of on my waves all damn day and night as I try to rest, then sending me sad dreams about my mother or trying to break my front teeth again and stevie crying over his teeth gone non stop !!! Threats to traffick rape kill me, my pets cattle kill G take this house land and my bank account Mimi ss # they called got it they claim !!! Then taking her money EVERYTHING she has bitch m crtl gone !!! F you bitch !!! We take your bank account dying fat ass bitch !!! Pathetic b.s. !!!

I am TIRED of them this non stop harassing I am exhausted !!!!

Thanks everyone.


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