Tuesday, June 4, 2019

attending a baby shower ???? Baby gifts ????

I have often been invited to attend baby showers in the past few years, and it can be a trying time finding a gift for a boy or girl !!! I hear of mostly people attending and then leaving quickly as they can, as they are rushed.....I always attend, stay a few minutes then leave.......some people may wish to stay IF very close family / friends of the parents of the new baby........

I see PLENTY of baby shower items those expecting a new baby could use, wish for, and enjoy, be able to afford !!!! Some may be new parents adopting a new baby..... !!!! How exciting and wonderful.......plenty of new babies I'm sure, need nice parents, with homes.....!!!! I think it is very adorable this can happen !!! Others may be expecting their babies, with a pregnancy, and they should know there are several pregnancy items out there for them to use during those months........I know those women I have known in the past expecting babies had several pregnancy items that helped them such as, clothing, vitamins, others I'm sure !!!

I will never have children, BUT I know that there are enough mother's + father's who are sweet, attentive, kind, caring / love out there who change the world with good parenting, treating your new baby well, changes our lives, by raising the baby to be a person of ONLY goodness......!!! We need many more good parents of this world to teach, raise, show they care about the children !!! Children can be a blessing !!!

Baby showers can be given at the church, or at their home, the hostess home, or the new parents home, for new parents as soon as they adopt, or at 6 months along in pregnancy..........These attendees can be called, sent invitations, or just tell them of the baby shower !!!!! Send invitations weeks in advance !!!! Tell of choices the parents choose, wish for, themes for baby items may be chosen, OR just whatever they choose of the baby items needed.....NO brands specific of the baby items are best or better, ANY brand is fine for these showers......

Parents may enjoy playing the baby shower games, on boards, or something unique, fun !!!! These are just silly games about the baby shower, gender reveal, baby bottle games, or other ????? Several to know of on the internet.....

Blue + pink are the chosen colors for boy and girl, blue means boy, pink means girl baby......old tradition......

Plenty of these items to bring to baby shower as gifts to give to the new parent, parents :::::

Nursery items, theme
Cloth diapers, best + diaper pins
Baby soaps
Baby shampoo
Baby lotion, dry skin
Basinette, bath tub for baby
Wash cloth for baby + towels
Baby toys
Picture frames
Bottles, drink ware sippy cups
Blankets and ALL bedding, and ??? Beds
Formula and baby food in jars
Baby silverware, ALL
Cribs, cradles
Diaper pail
Teething rings
Teething cooling gel, New teeth pain later
Baby hair brushes
Nail care set for new baby
Baby memory book, add memories, keep safe
Baby mobile hangs to side of crib
High chair, tall feeding chair with surface best
Bath toys for baby
Hair bows, tiny, or flower head bands, soft cloth, yarn
Baby wipes, for cleaning bottoms
Baby cookies

Prayer bear, heartbeat bear, glow worm, keeps baby comfortable at night, helps soothe them to rest....can be warming, heart beat sound to soothe baby nerves.....very cutesy !!!

Remember baby gifts don't have to be over expensive !!! Just to show we care, love, adore our family, friends and their new baby !!!! We can purchase baby items for later months as well or gift hand me down, used baby items to them, wash, clean, gift to them, very helpful as babies grow to toddlers age and then on older !!!!!

hope this helps anyone out there needing baby shower gift ideas or maybe new parents need an idea !!!!

Wal-Mart, dollar stores, dollar tree, target, Kohls, Jc Penney, Dillard, Tj maxx, stage, Ross's, ALL have baby shower items, and search on the internet,Etsy, pinterest, eBay, Amazon, wash first IF from those online used stores,  purchase in advance ya know ???? Baby stores at most malls as well, can be expensive I hear, search for items at those baby stores on sale I think.....

Love, j !!!!

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