Monday, June 24, 2019

Cowboys + rodeo !!!! Cactus items !!!!!

I know that the local rodeos are going to be soon or may already be taking place abroad !!! Old time tradition in many areas, of cattle + to take part in ALL MUST be taken part humanely !!! Animals MUST BE well taken care of !!!!! VERY IMPORTANT !!!! Law abiding rules, regulations MUST BE honored !!!! Codes enforced, for humane conditions rodeo animals well being !!!!!RESPECT the animals during rodeos !!! Safety gear for the cattle for roping events at the horns.....water, shade, rest, cooling fans for the rodeo animals safety, keep them safe, RESPECT them !!!!

Many events to take part in with your horses, or IF you are bull rider PLENTY events to enter, pay entry fees / dues weeks in advance !!! Inquire at local rodeo grounds weeks in advance !!!! These rodeo events a few I know and enjoy watching ::::::

-- team roping and penning
-- bull riding
-- barrell racing
-- pole bending
-- calf and steer roping
-- saddling

PLENTY to see at the rodeos !!! Often grand entry to ride your horse in IF wished INQUIRE weeks in advance of where to go and what time......!!!!! Carrying the state and your country flags during grand entry is just fine to attend, see, take part !!!

Concession stands for snacks, refreshment should be available and IF so ??? Take along enough money for those !!! There should be shade for the attendees, stands / bleachers with adequate shade above, misting water systems are nice cooling ideas too !!!! Remain seated IF you can calm yourself, haha !!! Set behind fences SAFETY precautions !!!! Often rodeo stock may jump over fences !!!! Yikes !!!!

Parking lots should be well lit up with lights and safety for the rodeo attendees !!! Parking lots need to be designated close by or nearby for safety !!! Stay with family + friends, children close to yourself for safety, hold children's hand as you walk up to rodeo arena, WATCH OUT for your children and PLEASE DO NOT take pets along for their safety, leave them home safe, kennel up interior home, lock doors after you leave to go to rodeo !!!! KEEP home SAFE....ALWAYS.

Rodeo tickets should be available PLENTY time at least 3 ( three ) weeks in advance before rodeo starts !!!! Prices vary BUT should be affordable for ALL, children half price to attend.......Rodeo grounds keepers MUST have rodeo arena plowed, watered thoroughly for each rodeo !!!! Two hours before rodeo starts !!!!! Small tractor needed !!!! Mini plow, and smooth over the arena surface with chain arrangements, pull behind tractor, drag along to smooth surface down !!!!

Attend with family + pals !!!!!!! Stay together ALWAYS safer for each of us to have the buddy system and watch out for one another !!!! Carry along those mini lights to shine as you walk back to your vehicles at night so you can see !!!! Require batteries or solar.......NICE idea, for each of us !!! Carry interior purses, or pockets !!!!

Knowing that we all adore attending the rodeos EVERYWHERE we are interested in them, I know when I attend I prefer to dress in the beautiful southwest color hues, patterns, and the cowboy brands wear !!!!!! I find these clothing most ANYWHERE I can !!!! Hats are nice for attending I adore the cowboy hats, variety in these as well !!!! For men and women !!! Adornment to the women's cowgirl hats !!! I have two I LOVE !!!!! Nice to shade my eyes face from Sun !!! Wear sunglasses as well !!!!!

Cowboy boots ???? Gotta have a pair !!!! Haha !!! We ALL can wear them or the southwest inspired wild west bejeweled sandals, flip flops !!!! All ages, male female !!!! I prefer cowboy boots myself I have wide feet !!!! Easier on my feet to walk, sturdy wear of a boot !!!! Lol.....

These rodeo, cowboy and cowgirl clothing and variety of wear for children, teenagers, adults, ALL ages, male, female, even for pets !!!!!! Western wear discount outlet stores NICE to afford the clothing from and PLENTY on the internet stores, I know locally of Sheplers and Langstons western wear stores !!!! Several more EVERYWHERE !!!

The cowboy organization of prca ( professional rodeo cowboys association ) is a nice organization to be apart of for each of those professionals in the rodeo who travel the rodeos and compete, you join IF wished, would be nice available for each of them EVERYWHERE all over world individually each country !!!!!! For the rodeo competitors !!!!! Who follow and compete everywhere !!! Merchandise for us to wear proudly !!!! Variety !!!

The other is the pbr, Professional Bull rider I ENJOY watching the pbr on the tv !!!! Nice exciting competition !!! PLENTY to watch involve yourself into attending, supporting fave bull riders !!!!!! PLENTY merchandise for us each to purchase wear !!!! Variety, plush, keychain, drink ware, variety !!!! Most clothing !!!

Rodeo wear EVERYWHERE variety for us here's a few random ideas to search for rodeo themes :::::

-- cowboy wear, ALL
-- purses, wallets, men women !!!!
-- jewelry
-- cologne, variety
-- perfumes, variety
-- leather scented soaps
-- horse tack gear, ALL
-- rodeo performance gear, safety, INQUIRE
-- belts, buckles, hats, caps t shirts, boots, conchos !!!!
-- rodeo them home decorations !!!, fan gear too !!!
-- Justin, wrangler, hooey, roper, brands, jeans, clothes
-- outdoor decorations for home, cowboy silhouette
-- praying cowboy items, ALL variety, cutie !!!
-- towels, monogram cowboy cowgirl !!!
-- wild west cowboy rodeo magnets, pens, stationary
-- stickers for rodeo, cowboy cowgirl horses !!!!
-- vintage look vaquero, EVERYTHING
-- fabric prints
-- plush horses, cows, bulls
-- toys, ALL variety and prca, pbr !!! Exciting !!!!
-- wall border, wall decor, mirrors, lamps
-- western star items !!!! Barbwire old rustic design !!!
-- leather items, concho items
-- hair accessories
-- nail art
-- embroidery patches
-- door knockers
-- horse shoe items !!!!!
-- blankets, bedding, pillows
-- furniture !!!!
-- coloring books, ALL ages
PLENTY !!!!!!!! INQUIRE !!!

The cactus print is also something I adore for the southwest color hues, designs and it goes along with the cowboy life !!!! Even kawaii smile cactus items !!! Cutesy !!!!!

These prints on several items here's a few I love as well, just for fun !!!!::::::::

-- notebooks
-- stickers
-- clothing prints
-- plush + squishy !!!
-- lighted cutesy cactus lamps
-- stationary , ALL variety !!!!
-- bedding, pillows, blankets prints !!!
-- fabric prints
-- jewelry
-- drink ware and kitchen ware, plates
-- ANY home decorations
-- wall decorations
-- coloring books !!!!
-- purses, wallets, magnets !!!!
-- mini REAL cactus, watch out !!!! Ouchy !!! Haha !!!! Set interior window sill, water regularly!!!

The kawaii cactus with smiling face very adorable !!!! Pretty color hues for the cactus prints !!! ALL apart of cowboy life, and wild west !!!!!!! Hope you ENJOY !!!! I know when I find these new to me items I go crazy for these !!!!!! Desert inspired !!!

 Southwest color hues a fave ALL prints AND ???? Native American artwork, beaded items, jewelry, Pendleton blankets, Navajo designs and artwork ALSO !!!!!clothing, crafts, decorations, as well !!!! ALL tribes have items available they have created and are out there for us to INQUIRE and purchase !!!!

LOVE, julie !!!!!

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