Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Another letter, waves....

Well, the doctor visit was just as I said, he was ready to be an ass when I got there, I took my urine test, the nurse was weird, rude, as always....

My blood pressure was not really high, I was nervous, she says, Your heart is tacky !.......and she says Why are you nervous ?.......she behaved weird toward me, kept studying me, gossiping in the office, looking at me.....

Then the good ol doctor, says I'm not a real doctor ! Just a PA !.......weird.....

He was snobby, ready to attack when he walked in, just as the others have forever treated me around here.........starts talking about my weight, then says You are diabetic probably type two, are you aware of this ! I said No.....He told me You are dropping sugar and ketones like crazy in this sample.........you need a blood test, then he refrained, and said well......I don't know what level of diabetic you are !...........I laugh about my uterus drips, rendering........they told me.

Snobby as usual, gave me a talk about my fat ass, weight, diet, exercise.......you know....he said I was nervous because I don't want to know the truth about how bad your body is........he was a right out creep jerk....as always

$ 94 that visit.......then medicine was Bactrim generic..., only $ 21.......start that at noon today 2 pills a day.....one at noon then later before supper.......I plan on avoiding dairy, grease, only water......and other food......

Fighting with D. + G.......more volatile, picking fights, verbally abusive, G. Out of control, not drunk, but crying around about fake grandma p, at hospital dying.......more b.s.......these idiots cause me more and more chaos, stress......G. shouting at me yesterday evening, because I would not go down there and see her........stupid.......Said he was kicking me and my mom out or something and I needed to be sent to a mental home.........

He, thinks those masks of Mary and Linda t., Barbara M, are real......they are stirring up trouble, they asked Why I was not working Why doesn't she work ! Then laughed swirled their noses....

, yeah all they ever did was whore and welfare, drug deal just filth, sorry trashy nasty people.......

Just like them

My mom is angry about all that mask shit with all them........she said these people are up to no good and hacking her mind and Gs mind.......I mean he has been brutal mentally ill, spinning his mouth off about money, that I am crazy, mom is too.......need kicked out last night.......I was a sorry piece of shit lazy bitch for not going to see grandma fake.....!!!......I d feel well anymore, sick of trash stirring up chaos all the time, playing this or that mask......

I am thinking that the Linda t, and Mary, Barbara M masks were a lot of the hate started, just like the real ones ! People were yelling about Amanda + Linda t money a month ago, they worked for this money, I deserve that.......women and men ???.......whatever.........money stories, yelling again......I don't know nothing about all that junk they yell all the time about money, I own this and that, I did this, I worked on them, I get their shit !......just all night long sometimes for years I have heard this.....bshaw house, losers, over east, I hear everything.......crossed up surveillance lines I suppose ? My waves heard so much filth, talk, chatter.......

This is all so corrupt, stupid.......idiots......my mom is tired of Gs behavior I think he gets hacked a lot.........doesn't know everything, doesn't see the fake in these nasty trash family masks, people......I hope he cries about those trashy idiots, worthless.....I will laugh after years of turmoil, they turned him and grandma against me years and years.......they all did, kept on stopping by, taking him places, telling him me and my mom were sorry, crazy, kick them out !........stress, stress, stress.......hillbilly kinfolk and nasty trash from sterling, his ol loser friends, cowboys bar trash too.......

I laugh now......tell you thank you for getting them outta my life and tell everybody who helped thank you !!! They deserve everything for saving my life, and getting rid of them !!!......i cry because the whole time I have been terrified of what this was with them, I now know all the gossip, stories I was told and my mom was told in the 70s were true......

I have felt trapped because they are everywhere, big circles, too much money, I knew you could never trust them.....not a surprise at all......too much partying, non stop vacations, Vegas, Alaska, weird behavior, outlandish extravagant purchases, yeah where did all the money come from, and the nasty sex talk, swinging, obsessed with weight, expensive labels only $ 5000 and above for clothing.....non stop Dallas trips.......OkCity weekly travel...constant plastic surgery, obsessed with vanity.....always knew all the cops, lawyers, mayors, governors, judges, courthouse people, senators, all the big wheels....so and so I know he will get me out of troubles....never made sense, and always hooked on pain tablets and swapping pills......or whatever pills ??? Snobby as can be, every one of them, red eyes, shopping non stop, hiding illegal money I guess ?

Stupid rich bitches, boyfriends, hair, nails, ultra thin, drugs, fancy cars, fancy houses......snobs at sterling.......every one of them.......calling me fat and trash........now I know....

.......I hated all that big wheel, snob, drug shit.......kicked me and my mom around, made fun, ridiculed, followed, harassed, stalkers for my whole life, then catching hell from my mom's side, nothing ever right, good enough, tacky comments, nothing skinny enough, rich enough, perfect enough for them either !

 the cats, dog behaving crazy, cats keep peeing in same spots in house meowing at ceiling........Mimi, behaves depressed, odd at times, scared at nite......

But anyway, very upset as you know, not whining,  just telling you so you know......hacking here at home, Gs waves, moms, mine, still hear weirdness in house, outdoors.....

Thank, julie

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