Sunday, October 1, 2017

Ssh ! Quiet at church !....

Can't believe it is already October.

Thinking about rest, and sleep this morning....

I like Sundays, very lazy days......and a religious day to always study The Lord's words / teachings and those of Jesus Christ.....

We should never stop trying to better ourselves and our surroundings , never stop trying to improve ourselves and the world, always try for better and to bring only goodness......

The world has many troubles, issues, evil, and there is much to work on to improve bring greatness.......we all must work together and always try.....

Attending church is best for us, we have to be respectful, attentive, listen to the not text, talk on phones, turn those off before going into the church......also do not chatter, during sermon......

Be very respectful to all, quiet, very serious !....

Listen, read, follow along in your bibles as the pastor is giving the sermon......we can learn much about how to live the right + good way......we can change for the better by learning from The Lord's teachings.....

But to be respectful, attentive, and truly learn, we must be very quiet.......always try to learn, read our bibles and pay attention to the pastor......

I know it can be very boring and sleepy time on Sundays, but best to look forward to church, and learning from the sermons the pastor is telling.......

Ssh ! quiet.


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