Thursday, April 25, 2019

Obsession with weight !!!!!

For some reason most of the general public have an obsession with being the skinniest weight possible !!!! I blame fashion magazines, and the hollyweird crowd !!!! Lol....that's where all this model thin anorexia starvation evolved from anyway !!!! Bwahaha !!!

We are ALL created unique, different, looks , shapes, sizes !!! Most of us NOT the right weight to our general public, who are only obsessed with being the tiniest weight.......they all seem to be certain ethnicity that are thin, small, tiny build.........I never could figure it out why most were so very tiny......I am ALWAYS kind to everyone and I certainly DO NOT care about a person's looks + weight, size, shape, build !!! Who cares !!!??? I DO NOT......stupid behaviour of human beings !!!!

Trying to starve ourselves to " fit in " with certain people ???? STUPID.........NEVER starve yourself, NEVER be bulimia / anorexic to fit in with snotty others probably on drugs with mental issues, causing obsession with weight !!!! I am so VERY tired of the mean, cruel, taunts, remarks of others about those with extra weight !!!! So what!!! Who cares what another's weight is ???!!! STUPID childish behavior of idiots, clearly on drugs, or EXTRA jealous of another.....

People who don't want to tend to their own business / lives with extra time to ridicule and obsess over other's weight ???? Get a life idiots !!! They have been so very cruel, evil toward those with extra weight on their bodies !!! Needs to be taught that obsession with weight is stupid idiot behavior, NOT just to children / teenagers, BUT also to stupid adults who behave as spoiled brats jealous and just mean to others......ALL ages obsess over weight of other's !!!! Why ??.....because they are STUPID.

People with extra weight can have extra weight on the body from many issues they simply cannot STOP.....such as :::::

-- health crisis
-- heredity / genetics
-- stress
-- depression
-- no way to exercise properly
-- diseases of the body
-- body / bone build, natural

Just a short over view of what can cause extra weight on the body......I have seen + heard of the cruel treatment of other's with extra weight on their body and I know of the taunts, ridicule of others because their weight isn't good enough for a snotty nosey other !!!! Eye roll........annoying......

People who wish to make fun of and ridicule others of extra weight make fun of not just one person BUT also every one who they think hasn't got the " perfect weight " according to their eyes........these types of snotty others, hate everyone and nothing is EVER good enough or perfect enough for them anyway.......just laugh at them tiny snotty bones !!!! Snobs !!!

I don't care to see or listen to someone with NO health troubles set there and make fun of / ridicule another's weight size, build........sorry as hell behavior !!!!

Men and women, female, male ALL are made fun of / ridiculed about their weight NOT being small tiny enough.....I don't care who it is who they are IF you are NOT a tiny size person in this culture of idiots, YOU are a fat person to them who are tiny, and obsessed with weight......

These tiny obsessed with weight, measure food, weigh food, count caloric intake obsessively exercise, starve themselves and their children, and take VERY nasty dangerous diet drugs / tablets or shakes / drinks !!!! These I know must be destroyed DANGEROUS side effects to hearts, all internal organizes, VERY DANGEROUS.......DO NOT take / ingest ANYTHING diet pills / drugs.......most are starving and dying of malnutrition daily !!!! STUPID, but hey, they think they know everything right !!!????? Lol.....eye roll.....annoying.......I know they are the individuals with the health problems, idiot mental troubles about tired of them.....

They make fun of the men just as much, criticizing men for their weight, eating habits, salt intake, and scream about blood pressure NOT being perfect enough because it's about weight problems, some doctors just as bad about pushing diet pills / drugs !!!! Very STUPID......

Reading air brushed magazines telling us to be the prefect size -- 0 size model are a joke........ALL idiots obsessed with making a dollar off weight diet plans, selling themselves, and telling us that we are ONLY beautiful IF we obey and are the perfect -- 0 size in a swimsuit or whatever they want to sell.....they are the joke to me......I don't give a crap about modeling, clothing styles of the snotty snob and damn boring and ??? That a laugh, just as everybody has to obey and weigh and dress as the in fashion crowd does ???? REALLY ???! Yawn......

Tired of the culture obsession with weight, fame, modeling, all that stupid behavior, too much too boring......years and years of it too long a time, very boring........More to life than obsession with weight, sex, fame, shape, sizes of tired of it in our culture all over the earth.....

Nobody cares about listening to some tiny crying idiots taunt make fun of other's weights NOT being what they think is acceptable in society.......eye roll.....they need to grow up crying fools, make fun of yourselves for what weight obsessed brats you are !!!! Haha !!!

You are beautiful no matter what your weight is !!!! How you are as a good person is all that counts to me !!!!

Nobody should care about boring..


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