Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Sanitary conditions ALWAYS !!!!

I have been cleaning today, off time I just try to disinfect , sanitize, wash, bleach most EVERYTHING !!!! Haha !!!

My grandma and mother have forever taught me about being tidy, clean, orderly, sanitary, and I enjoy cleaning actually.......most people hate cleaning I've heard plenty say !!! But I prefer everything clean, crisp, sanitary....

I know we ALL MUST follow sanitary orders with everything in life we work on, or live at !!! Taking care of family, friends, pets, animals yourself, ALWAYS be clean + sanitize it ALL !!!

We know we MUST ALL be clean as can be !!!!

-- wash ALL clothing
-- wash / bathe kids + pets, teenagers
-- sanitize kitchen surfaces, sinks, drains, tabletops
-- sanitize / bleach ALL bathroom areas !!!! 

-- kitchen prep ??? Hair pulled back, no hair in face, clean clothing, no smoking, no eating as we cook foods ANYWHERE !!! Good prep gloves and VERY clean clothing and hands, arms, WASH rinse before we cook / food prep !!!! Wash, sanitize, rinse, ( bleach water + soaps ) of ALL kitchen at home and restaurant, street food vendor, items !!!! REQUIREMENT !!!! HEALTH CODES !!!! WASH EVERYTHING before and after we food prep !!! Ask for HELP if needed !!!!

-- medical offices, and ALL instruments MUST be sanitized, clean, bleached properly !!!! Diseases and viruses, Bacteria can easily accumulate / grow !!!!! Person to person contact as physician need to wear plastic medical gloves, eye wear IF needed !!! For exams to be proper and sanitary !!!! Clean daily and empty trashes in proper bins !!! Eww !!!!

-- veterinary / pets ALL areas to be sanitized DAILY !!!! Clean, fresh scented crisp smell for pets and us !!!! Shoo !!!! Haha !!! We MUST be sanitary with ALL pet items food water bowls !!! Bleach rinse once a week !!!

-- vehicles need to be sanitized once a month, clean of trashes, spills, cigarettes ashes, clean ALL of vehicles and vacuum at car wash !!!! Scent well with car sprays or other scent items !!!! VERY much more pleasant to drive in for yourself and ALL of us !!!!    :)

-- drink wares, bleach sanitize weekly if carrying with you in vehicles we know of spoilage !!! Empty, clean and refill + return !!! As needed !!!

-- bedding, needs to be washed, rinsed, renewed at least weekly, WASH ALL bedding, sheets, comforters, pillows replace every few months because of stink !!!!

-- wash, sanitize toilets, bath tub, shower ALL sinks daily as you can to keep up with cleaning work at home or as travelling !!! I try to keep up ahead of my cleaning chores every day that way NOT so piled up high to the ceiling with cleaning chores all at once !!! Lol !!!!

-- wash and clean floors, tile, wooden, carpet with cleaning tools and solutions as we can, they are often icky with dirt, hair, pets messes.....Shoo !!!! Keep on cleaning floors, I know often we track into the floors much trash as leaves, grasses, even bugs on our shoes here at home, pet hair terrible for EVERYONE with pets !!! Gotta keep on cleaning daily as we can.......sanitize floors with those solutions to keep disease, germs, bacteria far far away out of our home and / or businesses as well !!!!!

You know I actually enjoy cleaning and choosing nicely scented soaps and disinfectants as I find them, to sanitize, rinse, wash, disinfect ALL and EVERYTHING......most of these are affordable, bleach and the solutions, I enjoy finding them at stores......

Bacteria, germs, disease, viruses can ALL be avoided and try to stop them with daily care !!! Bleach I use ALL the time in dish water pans, toilets sinks, use just a cap full of bleach in your bleach water creation !!!! 

We need to stop being so lazy I suppose and keep it up with being very tidy clean, and sanitary !!! I myself prefer it VERY ultra clean everywhere !!!! Lol !!!!!

It's nice to enjoy a cleaning day !!!!

AND REMEMBER men can clean also !!! Haha !!!! Kids too !!!   ;)

Love, Julie !!!!

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